Thursday, September 2, 2010

A moment of reflection

I don't remember exactly what I was doing in the summer of 2006 besides working for this lovely gentleman, but I do remember telling myself that I wanted to go to the World Cup in 2010.  I had it all planned out, I'd study abroad at the University of Cape Town and then stay for the summer to watch some football.

Flash forward to a summer 2010, and while I did not stay in the US of A, I was nowhere near South Africa, and couldn't have been happier.  (Well, I could have been, but I'm pretty good with where I was).  The driving force of my summer was studying a language, but I got to do so many other things while I was in Lebanon and met so so many amazing people.

The older I get, the more inspiration I find in the people around me.  Some of the people I met (especially the girls) were such dynamic, interesting people who are going after what they want in life.  I hope I can be as brave as them, especially over the next few years.  I do not want to blink and find myself unhappy in the near future because I didn't have the guts to take the chances I should have.  That's probably my biggest fear in life right now.

So that's the theme of my life for a while now.  No regrets.  After all it is far easier to do something and apologize afterward than ask for permission beforehand.

We'll see how this goes.  I don't know how much of my life I will be writing about here, but we'll see.  I've enjoyed writing a lot this summer, but at the very best will be posting much less frequently in the coming months.

Salaam [peace in Arabic] out for now my friends.

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