Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm on Strike

I have litany of complaints against you, my dear readers.  Actually, it's just this:

You have no opinions.

Obviously I'm not actually on strike because I've written this, but I do have a bone to pick there.  The real reason for the lack of blogging is that I've had a full weekend and am too tired to tell you, my dear reader(s?) about it.  Never fear, I have plenty to share.  I climbed all over Roman ruins, saw Syria and Israel from the top of a mountain, drank Lebanese wine, and saw a camel for the first time.  There's a ton of pictures and not too many words, get excited.

On the opinions front, leave some comments?  Even if you do it anonymously, I'd really like to hear what you like, don't like, want to see more of, etc.  I won't feel as though I'm writing into a black hole of semi-anonymous blabber.

Seriously, leave a comment.  Right now.  Or sometime this week.  Anytime but never works for me.

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